Sugar-free & Carb-conscious Cooking

Forslund, Monique le Roux


Ideal for anyone who wants to eliminate sugar from their diet. Based on ‘low carb high fat’ principles, with the emphasis on home-cooked, nutritional meals that will increase satiety, reduce sugar cravings and eliminate the need to snack between meals. The recipes are suitable for family meals and also take account of the need to have a healthy packed lunch for school or work. Recipes and tips for breakfast will get the day off to a good start, while sauces, dressings, salads and vegetable side dishes, often the key to creating variety in everyday meals, are not forgotten. Sugar-free and Carb-conscious Living includes guidance on encouraging children to adapt to a sugar-free diet, tips on how to incorporate alcohol and exercise into your new lifestyle, nutritional information, and short lists of foods that are good for you and foods to avoid.

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