Street Blues

Brown, Andrew


In 1999 Andrew Brown donned the uniform of the new South African Police Service as a rookie reservist, after years of viewing the police as the enemy. This book documents his experiences over nearly a decade, offering a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a police officer on the beat in one of the most crime-ridden societies in the world. Street Blues takes the reader from high-octane car chases and drug busts to the gritty world of gangsterism and prostitution. It covers issues as diverse as hijacking and petty theft, traffic collisions and firefighting. Brown explores the stresses and complexities of police work, the fear and frustration, as well as the camaraderie and courage. Shifting between tragedy and humour, this book gives personal insight into a perilous and sometimes shocking world that affects us all. Written from direct experience rather than distanced observation, Street Blues is a must-read for anyone concerned with crime and policing in South Africa.

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