Exploring the Seashore in Southern Africa

Branch, Margo


With this lively guide, young adventurers will discover the many treasures along southern Africa’s shores, learn all about the strange and beautiful creatures they can expect to see at the beach and where to find them, then try the fascinating activities and make their own first-hand discoveries. A companion volume to the popular Exploring Fynbos, this lively book is loaded with interesting topics in accessible text; interactive activities; ‘did you know’ boxes; ‘things to do’ panels. Sales points: an absorbing, interactive and fact-filled introduction to southern Africa’s shore life; a companion volume to Exploring Fynbos, both providing good-value fun and entertainment for young readers, while they learn; colourful illustrations and photographs; activities to inspire insight into our coastal environment.

R 99.00
24.89 mb
Penguin Random House South Africa
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