Wildlife of Namibia

Macleod, Neil , Petrou, Nikos


Namibia is a fascinating land of contrasts, where floodplains, swamps and the world’s oldest desert have contributed to a rich biodiversity. Wildlife of Namibia is an easy-to-use guide to the country’s most conspicuous and interesting mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and plants. The book includes: an informative introduction to the country’s geography, climate and vegetation; accounts describing each species’ appearance, habits, size and conservation status, as well as information on habitat and best viewing localities; full-colour photographs of each species, along with distribution maps to show their range. This all-in-one compact guide will prove invaluable to visitors to national parks, nature reserves and other wildlife-rich places in Namibia. Sales points: easy-to-use, compact guide to diverse wildlife groups in Namibia; full-colour images of each species; clear, concise species descriptions; maps showing geographical distribution for each species.

R 199.00
247.43 mb
Penguin Random House South Africa
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