How to Get a SARS Refund for Retirees

Baines, Daniel


How to Get a SARS Refund for Retirees will assist people who will soon retire, or who have already retired, to understand how tax works in relation to their retirement so that they can make informed, tax-efficient decisions regarding their retirement savings. It will help them to get more out of their retirement savings, as well as expose the pitfalls that they need to look out for to avoid nasty surprises.

The book will also provide guidance on the methods available to retirees to reduce their tax liability to ensure that they pay the least amount of tax legally possible so that they can put more money into their back pocket. It explains how to effectively utilise certain tax exemptions and make the most out of tax credits, which are only available to persons over the age of 65 years.

In addition, it will explain how retirees can access a possible tax refund, and how other types of income that they may earn to supplement their pension, such as rental income and dividends, are taxed. A must-read for anyone who wants a financially secure, hassle-free retirement.

R 127.50
1.52 mb
Penguin Random House South Africa
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