Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa

Heyde, Nicki von der


Expert battlefields guide Nicki von der Heyde presents 71 battles covering three wars – the Anglo-Zulu War (1879), the 1st Anglo-Boer War (1880–81) and the 2nd Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902) – and a series of colonial conflicts that shaped the course of South Africa’s history. Informative and lively accounts of the engagements are provided, with special attention given to the context, action, outcomes and principal combatants involved. Special features include: 580 photographs; 27 maps; 80 illustrated timelines; 60 fact and feature boxes; detailed directions to each site; GPS co-ordinates.

R 270.00
69.75 mb
Penguin Random House South Africa
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